The Discipline of the Mind

The Discipline of the Mind

The initiatory practice, being an experimental and scientific path, goes through a whole series of hypotheses that are verified by the practitioner through direct experience. One of the starting hypotheses is the following: (untrained) people do not have the slightest control over their own minds (yet they delude themselves that they do). The way one can test this hypothesis is very simple: try to stop thinking. Ah! But you can't! Some will say. Who are wrong. To stop thinking, in the sense of silencing the mind, is possible. It just takes practice.


The Meditation of Centering - Part 1

The Meditation of Centering - Part 1

Meditation of Centering is a fairly well-known and widespread exercise, in various forms. This meditation is as simple as it is important, but it is also often poorly understood by those who practice it. To become more effective, we need to understand what we are doing. Therefore, I will now discuss some of the concepts necessary to understand this practice, and then move on to an explanation of the exercise itself. The Meditation of Centering is a first fundamental exercise that anyone can do in their daily practice, and it is the first exercise proposed in the PsyClub initiation path.